IIUI Schools Vision

We envision a school that prepares students for the 21st Century so that they may be powerful members of a society who are emblems of good practices, high character traits and superior in their skills and values. IIUI Schools will be Centers of Learning where:
  • modern methods are used as daily practice to transform education
  • core Islamic values and cultural norms are used to help in developing model human beings who excel in all aspects of curriculum and global themes
  • the environment promotes equal respect, confidence and commitment to learning and self-development
  • the faculty and management is dedicated to student centered learning and focus on process of learning and strategic outcomes
  • school systems and policies are facilitative in nature and staff and student motivation remains the key to the success of the school
  • self-evaluation is a norm followed by all levels of staff and students

IIUI Schools Mission

To provide a sound intellectual and scholastic foundation for the ideological, moral, intellectual, social, economic and technological development of the young generation; and to foster the advance of learning and knowledge for students, faculty and management in line with 21st Century practices within the framework of the values, ideals, principles and norms of Islam.

IIUI Schools Students' Pledge

To pledge allegiance to the Muslim Ummah and our beautiful country, as an IIUI Schools Student, I say:

I pray to Allah , The Absolute, The Almighty
I follow Islam , the flawless life-code
I seek  from Quran, the ultimate  truth
I practice the Sunnah, the blessed path
I strive for piety, the peerless virtue
I observe gratitude, the glorious stance
I desire Brotherhood, the united goal
For love, for peace; for complete success;
In life and the Hereafter!


1. To provide high-value education and skills which will enable the student to achieve a market-oriented approach.

2. To educate students in the techniques of thinking to produce a socially balanced individual who is in harmony with his/her culture and tradition, based on the principles of compassion, tolerance, equality and peace.

Scholarship Facility

IIUI Schools SYSTEM Offer Merit Scholarship for Bright Students.

Skilled Lecturers

Will Qualified Staff.

Book Library & Store

Books library available for students.

Our History 2018

To provide every opportunity for an all round and harmonious development of individuals and society and reconstruction of human thought in all its forms on the foundations of Islam in order to encourage and promote education, training the research in Islamic learning, social, natural, applied and communication sciences and other branches of learning to ensure the Muslim Ummah’s ideological, moral, intellectual, social, economic and technological development in accordance with the values, ideals, principles and norms of Islam.


Qualified, Experienced, and Trained Teaching faculty. Effective Preps System. Charcter Building Education. Web Portal, Quality Education with an affordable fee, Educational and Recreational Field Trips, Celebrating National and International Days/ events. Open Door Policy, Un-Interrupted Power Supply (Generators).


We Have 15,000 Students

In Schools and Colleges.